Wednesday, November 6, 2013


It's the first week of November and we received inches of snow last night.  It's only been 6 months since our last snowfall.  Every gloomy winter I wonder why we keep living in this frozen tundra. Wouldn't it be lovely to live somewhere with sunshine and 70 degree weather for more than just a few weeks of the year?

Yesterday I was challenged to slow down and SEE God's magnificence.  So I looked at that snowfall as an opportunity for an awesome workout.  Now I know I didn't need to shovel the driveway, the deck, the patio, the sidewalk and then part of the neighbors...the sun would take care of it in the morning.  But I had had pizza (in the name of reconciliation) and a workout was in order.  And it felt good! It felt good to go out in the dark of night with my husband knowing our children were sleeping soundly.  It felt good to move my body. It felt good to watch my husband attempt a snowman to surprise the girls in the morning.  It felt good to watch our dog run circles in the snow with such enthusiasm. It was truly magnificent.

Amelia got us up at 4:15 this morning and then joined us in our bed making a restless last couple of hours of sleep and I had been up late, invigorated from my late night shoveling and my eyes did not want to open at the sound of the alarm. I found myself rushing Eva through our morning routine.  I kept finding her at the kitchen window gazing excitedly at the snow. Then I remembered my challenge. Slow down and SEE God's magnificence.

And it was magnificent! The sun coming up over our world covered in white. Everything glittering and pure. My husband came home for lunch and asked how our morning had gone.  I had to say "How can it be anything but great when every time I look out the window it is so beautiful?"

Magnificent is defined as impressively beautiful, elaborate, extravagant or striking. My pictures don't do God's magnificence justice but I enjoy trying.

God is magnificent; He can never be praised enough.
There are no boundaries to His greatness.
Psalm 145:3 (MSG)

So I challenge you now to slow down and SEE God's magnificence.

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