Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A moment...

2:55 pm just a few more minutes of quiet and peace and creativity. Hurry! Hurry!

2:57 pm why aren't you watching the clock? Pay attention mama!

2:59 pm creative flow is MIA.

3:01 pm remember that one day you forgot to stand at the window and watch for the bus and Eva came into the house and you were still at the computer instead of greeting her with a smile and a hug? REMEMBER??

3:02 pm I was such a loser mom that day...

3:05 pm pay attention mama!  Well as long as I'm going to stand at the kitchen window I may as well wash the dishes, wipe down the counters, organize that drawer....

3:07 pm there's the bus!

3:08 pm where is she?? Heart racing. How long do I give her before I call Dana in a panic?

3:09 pm there she is! Calm down mama.

3:10 pm Eva's dropping her coat and back pack and talking.  Telling me about the girl in her class that just got a baby brother.  She's missed a lot of school but she doesn't think she's sick.  She thinks she's just sitting at home hanging out with her new baby brother.  Isn't that illegal?

3:11 pm I'm picking up the coat and the backpack and searching for wads of crumpled paper that could be homework or a parent letter or a prize piece of artwork. Where are all the wads of paper?

3:12 pm Eva's on a stool, pulling out a bowl and the Cheerios.  She says matter of factually "Many of the children didn't have any mail today."

3:13 pm Eva is pouring milk over her cereal.  Why are you just standing there staring mama?

3:14 pm Eva is sitting at the counter, legs crossed, nose in Junie B. book and spoon in cereal bowl.

3:14 pm what just happened here mama?!!?

Thank you to Heather at The Extraordinary Ordinary for encouraging me to Just Write and in doing so capturing one of the moments I watched my 6 year old grow up before my very eyes.

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