Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hello, my name is...

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to share my testimony again, cardboard style.  When I was first approached with the idea I thought it sounded powerful and amazing. Basically we wrote on one side of a piece of cardboard words that described what our life was like before Christ then we would flip it over and share words of what we are now in Christ. (The best part was I didn't have to actually say anything, just hold my cardboard!)

So when I got to the planning meeting a couple weeks before the event where 225 ladies were registered to attend and I heard my sweet friend Rachel using my story as an example I freaked out a little bit (on the inside).  I couldn't stand up there in front of two hundred plus women with words like "raped", "divorced" and "suicidal" on my cardboard, could I?

God answered me with a quick and loud "Yes you can."  He reminded me that in fact I had already publicly shared those things, on a few occasions to hundreds of ears. Not to mention it was on my blog for all the world to see.  I could and would stand up there and hold my cardboard proudly because it's what God has asked me to do.

Each time I write a post or share my story I pray that God would give me the exact words that need to be heard so that some soul can find an honest way to connect with God. And I pray for those that need to hear them, that they would be in the right place physically, emotionally and mentally to hear them.  Maybe today, that person is you?

Before you watch the clip of some amazing women sharing their powerful testimonies, let me take a minute to remind you of who you are. 1 John 3 1 says "See what great love the Father has for us that He would call us His children. And that is what we are." Children of God. Beloved by God. Zephaniah 3:17 says "He will take delight in you with gladness...He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." What does that sound like? Maybe the applause of heaven? Can you hear it, friend?

You are God's child and that means He is crazy about you.  And that doesn't change. Not when we do something stupid and not when terrible things happen in our lives. God's love simply is.  You are forgiven. You are chosen by the creator of the universe to be His. And while it may feel impossible to be undeserving and favored all at the same time, you are.

At the end of the clip you will hear my sweet, sweet friend Rachel challenging the women in the audience to take off their name tag and write their new name, who they are in Christ.   Revelation 2:17 says that one day we will all receive a white stone with our new name engraved upon it.

The link to the video of our cardboard testimonies is below.  I encourage you to watch and then write yourself a new name, maybe on something white.  I'd love to hear what your new name is, feel free to comment and share.

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