Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Answered prayers...

I was chatting with my husband tonight and we were discussing his going back to school.  I asked him if he remembers what prompted him wanting to go back and neither one of us can remember the conversation or how it went.  And yet from the very first time he asked me if I thought he could do it, which wasn't that long ago (we're talking weeks) it's felt completely right.

Absolutely everything has gone entirely smoothly from applying, to transferring credits from ten years ago (they took everything except zoology?), to registering from classes. His employer has been absolutely supportive and flexible. The head of the manufacturing engineering department very helpful.  We were just waiting for the financial piece to fall into place and he'd be set to start classes in a few weeks.

I received a message from my husband at 2:02 pm today telling me that he had gotten the email stating he'd get 'x' amount of money, probably just enough to cover tuition and books.  This news in and of it itself was fantastic but my stomach dropped a bit and I asked him, "but how will we get you a laptop?"  We had hoped the money he was going to get would cover a laptop as well.  I knew that a laptop was not in our budget, especially now at Christmas but that it was essential for him in his schooling.

He replied with "I don't know." I loathe when he says that.  He's the guy who always knows.  I count on him knowing.  When he says "I don't know." I panic.

Thankfully I didn't have a lot of time to get myself real worked up.  At 3:02 pm today I got another message from my husband.  It said "your brother just told me he won a laptop at work and that I could use it for school."


My response was the same one I gave him when he asked me to marry him, "Are you kidding?".  I mean why would he kid about either of these things, but I had to know if he was serious.  He said he was not kidding, my brother had just sent him a text.

My brother stopped by after work tonight and dropped off the laptop.  He already has a laptop and wasn't even going to bother entering the drawing but my mom said he should because 1. he is constantly winning the prizes at work, it's so ridiculous I'm surprised they still let him enter them and 2. she was sure that Dana could use it even if my brother couldn't.

I have seen God work in our life and I have seen him answer our prayers but I don't know that I have ever seen it so quickly or so blatantly.  It kind of takes my breath away.

I never doubted that my husband could go back to school.  I know he'll do amazingly well like he does with everything else.  I know that the next few years won't be easy with him working full time and going to school part time but I do know that this is exactly what he is supposed to be doing.  God has made that perfectly clear.

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