Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Progress, Not Perfection...Social Eating

Thanksgiving is just two days away and I don't know about you but I will be sitting down to not one, but two traditional, lavish meals. When I started my journey to a healthier me, holiday eating and social eating really overwhelmed me.   How do you do it? How do you overcome the overload of temptations lined up buffet style that are tantalizing your taste-buds?

Most importantly, I think, is that you go into the holiday or social gathering with the right mindset. You start out by praying something like this, "Lord, you know the temptations that I am about to face as soon as I step into that room. But your word says that with You all things are possible.  I need You and Your power to go with me. Amen"

Then you give yourself a little pep talk that goes something like this, "I am not depriving myself of food that others may be able to partake in, I am treating myself with healthy food and am embracing making healthy choices. I am not going to give up what I want most for what I want right now. Six months from now I'm not even going to remember how that pumpkin pie tasted, but six months from now I will see the results of my healthy choices."

"You surround them with your shield of love" (Psalm 5:12)
And do you know what the Bible commentaries say about what kind of shield this is?
It's a full body shield - the kind that covers head to toe. 
Whatever fears and hurts you carry about your struggles with food,
know that you are surrounded this day, and every day, with a shield of 
God's love that no enemy can penetrate. God has you covered, head to toe.
[excerpt taken from Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave]

Have a plan. Decide ahead of time what you are going to allow yourself to eat and drink.  If you are hosting, seek out healthy recipes and substitutions for your menu.  If you plan to allow yourself to indulge also make a plan on how you will work it off.

Stay hydrated. It's easy to confuse your bodies thirst cues with hunger. Keep a bottle of water handy before, during and after to curb the nagging feeling in your stomach. Pay close attention to the beverages you are consuming as juice, pop and alcohol can be loaded with unwanted calories.

Feast with your eyes first. Peruse what is being served and then start with fruit, vegetables and lean meats to take the edge off your appetite. Make one trip to the buffet, be selective and keep your portions small. Then take your plate and sit as far away as you can get. Try eating with the opposite hand if you need to slow yourself down.  

Bring a healthy dish to share. If you are headed to a gathering bring a dish that you know you can indulge in. If you are hosting, consider packing up leftovers and sending them home with your guests.

My husband has an alter ego called Dr. Candy. He makes these delicious candies and loves to bake for fun. But we've made a hard and fast rule at our house: if it doesn't have somewhere to go, we don't make it.  We've also learned that people love when you share! 

But sometimes, you have to be prepared to remove the temptation or flee (hopefully with a little grace).  I had to flee my own house one day.  I had a tasty supper simmering in the crock-pot (my favorite way to cook) and the smell was driving me crazy all day long.  I found myself constantly walking into the kitchen, searching the cupboards for something, anything until I finally said "Enough!" and piled the kids in the car and got out of the house. Sometimes you have to flee.

Happy Thanksgiving friends! Remember who you are, you are an over comer created for victory!

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