Sunday, March 23, 2014

I wish Satan would take a Sunday off...

Scenario one: We're sitting around the table enjoying a leisurely breakfast. My husband and I are sipping our coffee.  Our girls are laughing.  We all get dressed and ready to go without incident and head to church.

Reality: Sunday is inevitably the one day when my children will sleep in.  We will hit the floor in a sprint.  We'll eat breakfast around the island in the kitchen.  The girls arguing and carrying on, my husband and I guzzling the coffee. The five of us will crowd into our tiny bathroom; Dana brushing teeth while I do the hair.  We'll argue over outfits and wrestle little girls into tights. There will be yelling, snapping and sometimes tears. And just when I've broken a sweat I'll have 5 minutes to get myself ready.  We'll hustle out the door and load the crew in the van.  And as we drive to church I'll feel angry and defeated and wonder how this happened again!!??!

Maybe I need to lower my expectations. Maybe I need a better plan.

This morning started like scenario one.  My oldest had had a friend sleep over and while they all slept in we had already planned to go to a later service than usual.  We had all the time in the world this morning.  Breakfast went off without a hitch even if we all did congregate around our tiny kitchen island.  Then my husband got a call to run up to church and fix some thing or another that was needed to record the church service.  

While he was gone (literally about ten minutes) I decided I would tackle cleaning up the kitchen which looked like a bomb had hit it.  At the same time my 2 1/2 year old was in the bathroom playing with water, my youngest had decided to climb on top of the dinning room table and my oldest and her friend were "bored".  It was enough to send what seemed like a scenario number one morning into reality in the blink of an eye.

I texted my husband "I wish Satan would take a Sunday off!!!!"
My husband replied with "It's his best day."

Keep awake! Watch at all times. The devil is working against you.
He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open.
He is looking for someone to eat.
Stand against him and be strong in your faith.
Remember, other Christians over all the world are suffering the same as you are.
1 Peter 5:8-9

I wanted Satan out of here in a big way so I told him to scram and cranked up the worship music.  My husband and I each grabbed a toddler and started dancing.  Just then my oldest and her friend came down the stairs.  We got some funny looks, perhaps they are too cool to hoedown on a Sunday morning.  After our spontaneous worship session we realized we had 45 minutes to get six people ready and to church.  But God met us in our living room this morning.  He covered us in peace and I swear he must have stopped the clock for a bit because we even arrived to church early. And relaxed and happy.

The man who does not give up when the tests come is happy.
After the test is over, he will receive the crown of life.
God has promised this to those who love Him.
James 1:12

So I just encourage you today, know that you are not alone in your suffering and tests! Whether its safe guarding your Sunday mornings or safe guarding your marriage.  Maybe evil descends on your house at 5 pm (it does at mine) or maybe the evil is threatening to over take your thoughts.  You are not alone! And don't give up! You were meant to overcome, not to be overcome.  You were meant to be happy and you are destined for the crown of life.

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