Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The alarm went off this morning and I didn't move.  I had found my sweet spot, perfectly warm and comfortable.  My husband leaned over and said "You don't have to get up with me. You can go back to sleep."  But I knew I needed my time with the Lord so I lingered a minute longer and threw off the covers.

After breakfast and seeing my husband off to work I settled on the couch with my devotional, Bible and journal ready to hear what the Lord had for me today.  And then I found today's particular devotional surprisingly lacking.  It was about disappointment.  Now I'm not immune to disappointment and on a different day it may have struck me as profound but today it left me wanting more.

So I flipped my Bible open and read the Psalm that the devotional referenced but that wasn't really cutting it either. So not knowing where to go next I flipped a few more pages and found myself in Proverbs.  I chose Proverbs 25 since it's the 25th today and started reading; and that's where I found what my heart was seeking this morning.

If you find honey, eat just enough-
too much of it, and you will vomit.
(verse 16, NIV)
When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down;
eat too much chocolate and you'll make yourself sick.
(verse 16, The Message)

It is not good to eat too much honey, 
nor is it honorable to sear out matters that are too deep.
Like a city whose walls are broken through
is a person who lacks self-control.
(verses 27-28, NIV)
It is not smart to stuff yourself with sweets,
nor is glory piled on glory good for you.
A person without self-control
is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.
(verses 27-28, The Message)

My Bible commentary noted that a city with broken-down walls was defenseless against attacks from the enemy. Likewise, a person with no self-control has no defenses against the attacks of temptation.  Self-control is a protective "wall" that repels temptation.

See even though I got out of bed and prepared my heart for time with the Lord this morning I had already let Satan start attacking me.  This morning I stepped on the scale, even though I usually reserve that for Thursdays (bible study day), I went ahead and stepped on it anyway.  Then I promptly chucked the lesson about "my weight loss goal is peace and not a number" that we are learning this week out the window and became disgruntled.  Eight more pounds to go...forget the eighty-six that already left.

Then I went to get dressed and grabbed a sweater because it's supposed to be another chilly one today.  And yet I've found myself pulling it and adjusting all morning. Obsessing about how it clings to my problem areas just a little too much.  I declared to my husband that I don't like this sweater because it makes me look fat. I told him I need to start working out more.  In my head I was banishing all sorts of things I should stop eating.  He reassured me that I beautiful in this sweater and I quickly dismissed his compliment because he's suppose to say that, right?

Then I sat down and read these verses.  At first I thought I still held some self-control because my biter thoughts hadn't sent me into the kitchen in search of honey or chocolate or something sweet to binge on, yet. But the day was early and I knew it'd be a matter of time.  Then I read it again, a person with no self-control is defenseless against attacks. Self-control is a "wall" that repels temptation.

See I don't think self-control is just applied to food or sex or spending money or anything else that we are tempted to indulge in.  Self-control also applies to our thoughts and if I can't control my thoughts than I am surely defenseless when the attack strikes...and then keep on coming.

Lord, help me build a wall of self-control, in my thoughts, in my words and in my actions today. 

So put away all pride from yourselves.
You are standing under the powerful hand of God.
At the right time He will lift you up.
Give all your worries to Him because He cares for you.
Keep awake! Watch at all times.
The devil is working against you.
He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open.
He is looking for someone to eat.
1 Peter 5:6-8

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