Sunday, May 10, 2015

To the moms...

On Friday my 2nd grader came home with a poem she had written me for Mother's Day at school. Quite honestly I had spaced that Mother's Day was even approaching so it was a fun surprise. Her poem went like this:

My mom is as pretty as a rose
when she is at church.
My mom is as kind as a new born puppy
when she is anywhere.
My mom is as caring as a daisy
when we are unhappy.
My mom is as loud as a lion 
when she is mad.
My mom is as gentle as a good mother
when we have boo-boos.
My mom is as goofy as a magic trick
when she is playing with us.
My mom is as wonderful as a sunset
when she cares for us.
My mom is as helpful as a nurse
when we have cuts.
My mom is as musical as a band
when she sings to my sisters in bed.
I will have memories of you!

After some good-natured chuckling I immediately thought, "Wow. I want to be the mom she's talking about."

It's all too easy to be hard on myself. To think I yell too much (and loudly apparently). Or to to feel too self conscious to sing, dance and act goofy with my kids. Or to compare my looks with the other moms, and when I do that I'll always fall short.  And while I'm comparing I might as well look at all the Pinterest crafts and elaborate outgoings other moms can do handle with such ease. And how clean their houses are, and how nice their cars are, and how they can afford a vacation...And pretty soon I'm feeling like a pretty lousy mom.

But then I realized I was missing the point. I am that mom to her. And I was created to be exactly the mom that my girls need. And you were created to be exactly the mother that your children need.

Our pastor spoke this morning on ways that God reveals himself. God comforts as a mother comforts. (Isaiah 66:13) God remembers.  We remember the things that are important to us, like birthdays and things that our children have said and done. But God remembers the number of hairs on your head! (Isaiah 49:15) God seeks. If we misplace something, like the car keys or our cell phone we turn the house upside down looking for it in the same way God seeks us out.  Our small things matter to him. (Luke 15:8) God protects. As moms we will do anything to protect our kids and will respond to injustice. How much greater of a protector our God is than us mama bears! (Hosea13:8) God longs. He longs to bring us together and create a peaceful community among us just we long to our have our children all together (playing peacefully of course). (Luke 13:34)

We are not perfect moms. But we are perfectly capable of being the loving mothers our children need.  Let's stop comparing ourselves and turning up inadequate. Instead let's celebrate who God made us to be.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the Universe.

Let's teach our kids about faith and not fear.  Let's separate identity from performance. And let's redefine failure.  Let's spur each other on and build each other up in love.  Let's let our God given talents shine for all to see. 

Happy Mother's Day.

You can view today's sermon here:

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