Let me see if I can get you to follow my crazy train of thinking. This morning I saw one of the founders of REFIT® had posted a funny "Throwback Thursday" photo. I must of been thinking of my birthday at the time so it inspired me to go back and dig through photos of me celebrating my birthday over the years. There weren't many pictures from the last few years and the ones there were hard to look at.
So I was thinking of my birthday, #tbt and REFIT® when it all came together. Physically I am not this person anymore. When I began attending REFIT® classes I had lost most of my weight and the scale hasn't tipped much in the 10 months I've been dancing. I have, however, lost inches and I've gained and toned muscle. But I've also gained so much more!
See I'm not mentally or emotionally the person I was in those pictures anymore either. Because of REFIT® I've gained confidence in my body, in my self-worth and in who I am as God's child. Confidence I've never had before.
I used to suffer from terrible panic attacks before going to social gatherings (especially those for women), now I'm a REFIT® instructor! I'm now the one who stands in the front and leads a room full of women. Me, the one with the panic attacks. Me, the uncoordinated one who used to avoid exercise at all costs. I've learned to see the beauty in participation and the pain in perfection.
Because of REFIT® I've also gained friendships and formed bonds that no time or distance will change. It's an amazing feeling to be surrounded by a group of women who only want to build you and not tear you down.
So with these #tbt photos I'm choosing not to focus on the hurt, the sadness and the flaws that surround them. Instead I'm going to look at them and see how far God has brought me on this crazy and amazing journey.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.
The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17
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